Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Should You Write Your Own Radio Commercial?

It's a question that many business owners face it some point or another when working on their marketing plans. Should they write their own radio commercial scripts?

Of course the person who knows more about the products and services being offered and sold is the business owner. At least, usually it is. However could too much knowledge be a bad thing when it comes to marketing the product or service itself? Often times the answer is yes.

Once a consumer has the product or service in their possession, the person with this knowledge would undoubtedly be the number one source to go to with questions or concerns. However this may not be the person to pitch the product or service to a potential new customer or client. This is especially true if that business owner has no background in marketing or promotions. There is a method to the madness when it comes to promoting a product or service, with no understanding of that method, often times a radio commercial crafted by someone who does not know how to execute that madness, will crash and burn. They then sit back wondering what happened or what went wrong.

Having a third-party come in and analyze the product or service that you want to promote is often times the best way to craft an effective radio commercial. A fresh perspective is what you are looking for. This person will take the time to get to know the product or service and can give you honest feedback as to what attracted them to it and what features stand out as a newcomer. These will very likely be the same features that stand out to a potential buyer of your product or service.

You can probably see how these may be hard to identify if you are too engrossed in your product or service and know every bit of it inside and out. Identifying specific traits that stand out and attract customers may not be so easy to spot. This is not something that an expert on that product or service needs to be ashamed of. It is simply a result of the passion and knowledge built up over years of crafting something that other consumers can use.

In conclusion, if you're looking at writing your own radio commercial is a way to save money, this will likely not be the result of your actions. It will likely cost you more in wasted airtime if an ineffective message is put on the air versus simply investing a small amount up front to have an expert craft your radio commercial for you.

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